Data Requests

To purchase data for Champaign or Piatt County follow the directions provided in the Data Purchase Procedures section found below.

- OR -

Learn about our Annual GIS Data Download Subscription options.

Data Purchase Procedures


To purchase individual data layers for Champaign County complete the Champaign County Data License Agreement PDF file opens in a new window and return the agreement along with a list of layers that you would like to purchase by one of the following methods.

A list of available data and ortho-imagery along with the corresponding prices are provided in the Champaign County Data Request Form below.

All orders are subject to a set-up fee and a minimum $20.00 purchase.
A License agreement for derived data is available upon request.


To purchase individual data layers for Piatt County complete the Piatt County Data License Agreement PDF file opens in a new window and return the agreement along with a list of layers to A list of available data and ortho-imagery along with the corresponding prices are found in the Piatt County Data Order Form PDF file opens in a new window .

All orders are subject to a set-up fee and a minimum $20.00 purchase.

Data Release Procedures

CCGISC data layers for Champaign County may be released at no charge to entities contracted to complete work for one of the seven CCGISC member agencies. Data will only be released for the project area. To request the release of CCGISC data layers, complete the Champaign County Data Release Agreement PDF file opens in a new window and return the agreement along with a list of layers by one of the following methods.

Champaign County Data Request Form

* Historical imagery from 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2014 are available by request. Available coverage areas can be found on the Tile Index Map. Please contact CCGISC staff for pricing.

Questions regarding any other geo-data layer not listed above should be directed to the Champaign County GIS Consortium at (217) 819-3555 or

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